Volunteers help lay the foundation at United Way of Kenosha County (UWKC), so we can keep making an impact right here in our community. Volunteer contributions include everything from supporting UWKC-led initiatives and local nonprofit programs to helping at special events and many more duties on the frontlines and behind the scenes of our work. Today, we are taking a moment to thank and recognize two groups of UWKC volunteers who make an impact through our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Readers Are Leaders (RAL) programs.
VITA Volunteers Help Taxpayers Receive Refunds
The Kenosha County VITA Coalition, a partnership between Carthage College, UW-Parkside, the Kenosha County Job Center, Gateway Technical College, the IRS and the United Way of Kenosha County wrapped up its 13th filing season in April 2022. In the past year, 34 VITA volunteers helped taxpayers receive more than $1.55 million back in tax refunds. Filing taxes can be complicated and stressful. We’re grateful for our VITA volunteers who help Kenosha community members understand their tax credits and get the refund(s) they earned.
Readers Are Leaders Volunteers Promote Literacy
Readers Are Leaders relaunched in January 2022 after a two-year hiatus, and 47 tutors jumped right back in to providing reading support to the Kenosha Unified School District students who need it most. In just one semester, tutors read a total of 365 hours with the 41 participating students. When the school year came to a close, we thought that was something to celebrate and held end of year celebrations to recognize student and volunteers successes. We’re grateful for our RAL volunteers who help students reach new reading milestones. Stay tuned for how you can promote literacy throughout the ’22-’23 school year.
Find the Causes You Care About Most
We are excited to roll out a new volunteer database — Volunteer Wisconsin. Volunteers (like you!) can use Volunteer Wisconsin to connect with community agencies and get involved with the issues most important to them. Organizations will post their events and opportunities on an ongoing basis, so that you can lend a hand whenever you can! Click here to check it out.