How Does United Way of Kenosha County Help?
United Way of Kenosha County empowers people to get on financial ground with proven methods by focusing on assisting individuals to improve living and employability skills and working with them to demonstrate management and acquisition of assets. The result is thriving communities where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.
As many as one-third of working Americans do not earn enough money to meet their basic needs. Wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of housing, healthcare, and education. Currently, 40 million Americans are working in low-paying jobs without basic health and retirement benefits. For families walking a financial tightrope, unable to save for college, a home, or retirement, United Way is here to help.
Youth POWER Academy of Finance is an intensive personal finance, economics, and college readiness program. The Youth POWER curriculum teaches budgeting, savings strategies, credit and credit repair, beginning investment concepts, entrepreneurship, and the development of one’s human capital.
Rapid Rehousing Programs provide supportive services and rental assistance for up to 24 months to adults living with severe mental illness and chronic substance use. Service needs are individualized and addressed by teaching needed skills to stabilize housing and income; Services includes direct assessment of service needs, moving assistance, case management, transportation, housing search/counseling, life skills training, mental health services, outreach services, and substance use treatment.
Kenosha Vocational Ministry (KVM) offers a holistic transformational prison reentry approach that addresses the whole person. Through individual programming, case management, targeted group interventions (mental health, AODA, etc.), job clubs, job skill training and support groups (AA, NA, etc.). trains individuals to change their thoughts for long-term success.
Legal Advocacy Program has advocates that assist victims through the court process including restraining orders, and family court issues such as divorces, legal separations and child custody/placement issues. The court system can be a very confusing and intimidating place. Advocates are available for support, information regarding court processes, court accompaniment, and help filing important documents.
For more resources, visit our financial resources page.